Securing Backups

Goldilock is a game-changing endpoint protection layer that works seamlessly with your existing endpoint security solutions to create an impenetrable defence against even the most sophisticated attacks. Providing physical separation as a defence against known and unknown attacks reduces your attack surface to zero and protects your data from deletion, exfiltration, ransomware, sabotage and more.

"We're a small outfit - a few retail stores, client contacts and some accounting. With a simple NAS device with Goldilock protecting it, we schedule backup times to keep our data completely offline for 99% of the day. It helps us sleep better."
Owner Retail Food and Beverage Company

How Goldilock works?

Securing backups is essential for organizations to ensure the integrity of their data and maintain business continuity in the face of potential data loss or disasters. By implementing robust backup security measures, organizations can protect their critical data assets, mitigate risks, and swiftly recover in the event of data loss or system failures.

Securing backups is crucial for maintaining data integrity, ensuring business continuity, protecting against ransomware attacks, complying with data protection regulations, and implementing access controls. By implementing encryption, disaster recovery strategies, off-site storage, and robust access controls, organizations can safeguard their critical data assets and swiftly recover in the event of data loss or disasters. Effective backup security measures provide peace of mind, protect organizational reputation, and enable seamless operations in an increasingly data-driven world.

Goldilock Drawbridge is a physical cybersecurity solution that saves manpower, time, money, and nerves. It allows users to issue an authenticated remote non-IP command to instantly physically isolate and ring-fence control systems within seconds, from, and to, anywhere on earth. The asset is then completely safe and un-hackable because it is physically disconnected from the network.

Our “Non-IP” – or non-internet enabled command, is significant, because the method of control is completely taken away from the potential attack vector – the internet itself.
Furthermore, Goldilock Drawbridge is triggered by port, so disconnection and isolation can be very granular – right down to the network segment or endpoint.

Security gains using Goldilock

  • Data Integrity and Reliability: Securing backups helps maintain the integrity and reliability of data. By implementing encryption and access controls, organizations ensure that backups are protected from unauthorized access, tampering, and data corruption. This guarantees the accuracy and consistency of data during the backup and recovery process.
  • Disaster Recovery Preparedness: Backups serve as a crucial component of disaster recovery strategies. By securing backups in off-site locations or cloud storage with stringent security measures, organizations can recover data swiftly and effectively in the event of natural disasters, cyber attacks, or hardware failures. This minimizes downtime and ensures business continuity.
  • Protection against Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware attacks pose a significant threat to organizations, with the potential to encrypt or delete critical data. Securing backups helps protect against such attacks by implementing secure backup storage, utilizing air-gapped systems, and implementing regular backup validation processes. This enables organizations to restore data from unaffected backup copies and mitigate the impact of ransomware incidents.
  • Compliance with Data Protection Regulations: Many industries are subject to data protection regulations that require organizations to secure backups effectively. By implementing secure backup practices, organizations demonstrate compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS. This ensures the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive data and protects against legal and reputational risks.
  • Access Controls and Authentication: Securing backups involves implementing robust access controls and authentication mechanisms. By enforcing strict user authentication, role-based access controls, and encryption of backup data, organizations prevent unauthorized access and ensure that only authorized personnel can restore or access the backup data. This protects against insider threats and enhances overall data security.

If you're still in search of answers, we encourage you to explore our informative FAQ section.

Finally, the answer to "I want those backups physically disconnected, but I need to access them do I do this?"